Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Assignment #9

Mr.McClung "What I've learned This Year"
I really enjoyed this post a lot.Mr.McClung tells about his first year experience as a first year teacher in Noel,Missouri. He talks about how he has grown into a better teacher and what he has learned.He decided to share it.
He states that we should know how to read the crowd.Most of the time we are so focused on how we are viewed by others that we lose our audience which is the students.Mr.Mcclung says that he believed that it was all about him as a teacher. The judgement from his supervisors was where his attention went.  He says that its a common thing that teachers do not make their lessons centered for the students to comprehend. They are so focused on the content and the delivery that it makes.In closing he says in order for teachers to be effective we must like the students drive the instructions.Mr.Clung, goes a little farther  tell us to be flexible.We have to know that no lesson is perfect.When things do not go the way as  planned keep going with a positive attitude and a smile on your face.Teacher can not beat themselves up over an activity that did not go well.Always look for a solution in the problem of the lesson.We have to remember who we are performing in front of in the classroom.

Communication is the best way to solve all problem in the workplace.Mr.Mcclung say that if there is a problem talk it out .Although communication is a hard skill to develop, we should practice it.We need to build a life line with our teachers and students.Mr.Mcclung tells us to be reasonable with our students. Of course we have high expectation for them ,but sometime they do not always live up to them.When student do not live up to that particular standard keep encouraging them to keep going.We can not loose that touch we our students.

Mr.McClung goes on to tell us dont be afraid of technology.He says that we cant be scared to try something new.We will not learn everything the first time we start.The key is to keep trying to develop skills for the classroom and your students.Another, point that McClung points out is to listen to your students.When they are heard you learn more about them.Some teacher do not take the time to listen and that can be a problem.It is important to have that respect for your student and build a relationship with them.Lastly, we are told to never stop learning it is never to late to change the style in the classroom.We have to want more.

I really liked the advice that Mr.McClung gives us .We should never lose focus on our students learning.We need them to be the driver of what we are trying to get them to comprehend.I have to agree with McClung when he says that every lesson will not be perfect, there are going to be many changes and thats life.Communication is a very good skill to have with other and should be develop in the workplace that way we will always know where you stand with an individual. I like that statement. We as teachers and future teachers have to always remember to keep our student focused and confident. I would like to think of it as their overall push helper.Finally, I loved the last point and it says never stop learning that is so true.I will  not allow myself to not want to soak up as much as I can.I want my students to know in the future that my teacher helped me in all the ways she could by changing the style of learning for each student.


  1. Your comments are thorough and articulated well. Your writing is considerably better than at the first of the semester. A careful proofreading can make your writing even better. You have a lot of spaces before commas. You have no spaces after periods in many instances. You miss some apostrophes, and your use of certain words is still idiomatic. ("Mr.Mcclung say", "Some teacher do", etc.) Work on your writing some more. It can be even better than it has become!

    What Mr. McClung did is perhaps more important than what he said. We hope that all EDM310 students will engage in honest, public, thorough self reflections. Mr. McClung's reflection is an excellent example for you to follow!

  2. I think that you had a very thorough explanation. You received the writing of Mr.McClung very well and you understood how it will help you to become a better teacher in the future.
