How kids Teach Themselves by Sugata Mitra.
1.What do you think? If learners are motivated, can they teach themselves?
Yes, because you have to have the mind set to want to learn more. I believe motivation is the push factor in everyday learning.
2.If those motivated learners are kids, can they teach themselves?
Yes, the new generation come wanting to learn more. They develop ways though experiencing thing in their own ways.
3.What conditions are necessary for kids to teach themselves? For anyone to teach him or herself?
The skills and techniques are needed for anyone to teach themselves.Also having the materials provided for them.
4.What role do computers and internet access play in the process?
Computers and Internet provide the the access of informational facts and sources.
5.. What role does motivation, a desire to learn?
When a student has the desire for something the material usually stays with them. I believe that when you have a desire you push harder to learn it because your interested in that skill.Others may not take the time in that because they were not passion about that particular task.
6.What roles do a problem, a question or multiple problems or questions play in the process?
Most children would want to get the issue solved to know for themselves.
7.How do you motivate someone to learn?
I motivate a person by telling them to believe in themselves.I try to help them in the ways that they do not usually think about.I tell them to always have confidence and faith in what you have set goals for. All things are possible just believe.
8.How are you motivated to learn?
I would have to think that I am motivated by the hands on tasks.I want to learn more and be updated with the new skills that are developed.When you want more you, you push for that foundation.I want a career and learning comes along with that.I have to keep in mind how I will get there and there is motivation.
9.Can anyone who is not motivated to learn learn?
Yes, anyone can learn motivation just helps the process.When your learning, your just getting the information needed.It does not mean motivation and learning go hand in hand.Everyone is capable of learning.
10.Do you teach yourself? When? Why?
Yes,when I need to develop that skill more.I do this because it is practice and I am learning the mistakes that are made at times.I teach myself everyday to become better and professional.
11.what role does a teacher (either answer generally or use a specific example) play in your learning?
Teacher help me learn things that I dont know.They teach me how to develop the skills for my career.
12.What is the most important idea, question or emotional response you take away with you as a result of watching this video?
I would have to say that we are capable of learning what we put our minds to.Creativity is a skill that helps us all develop learning .
13. What other questions or issues are raised by this video that should be considered and discussed by aspiring teachers?
I think aspiring teachers should think about how can they solve children thoughts of being curiosity.Teacher can try to develop groups for the children.
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