Blog 2 Mr.Winkle Wakes Click here to view video
The world is changing before the blink of an eye. Mr. Winkle is in shock as well as I am each day by the change in the world. Technology is growing so much faster than the way others can remember. It’s hard trying to keep up with the pace of how things work. When looking around new invention are developing a new mind set just like an individual. The jobs have change for as the workloads and requirements.School is the preparations for this world change.Teachers remain focus on teaching students the basic formula for laying the foundation down for the world. The classroom is where things may change for the better of each generation. Although, change has been made it helps us all keep our eyes open to take in the new instead of the old. The movie Mr. Winkle Wake helps individual see change and notice our surroundings. I took this movie as keep the focus and keep the pace, but hold on to what remains the same.
Did you Know? Blog 2
I was left thinking after watching the movie did you know? by Karl Fisch. I learned about things that I really did not know or maybe I just did not think of it as often. The world is continuing to grow with each generation so many new inventions will be made. The children will be preparing for a new presentation in life. They will learn more than my generation has been taught and teachers will have more to look farther to in the classrooms.
The movie leaves you speechless as it moves on. I think about the jobs that will be new and improved with technology that has not even been thought of at this moment. If you only imagine how it is now, think about years from now. Children have develop faster in other places and begin wanting to know how they can became great. They put their minds at other inventions starting from a small age. Each day, moment.min, sec someone is thinking of something new to add to a cell phone, computer, and new fresh car. A device is a hand on rotations that we all have to prepare ourselves for the making. The movie is a preparation of thoughts and learning to help the world see how fast the world will and is still changing. The movie helps us all see what steps need to be made to for what will exist in the future.
Vicki Davis
Harness Your students digital Smarts was interesting.It helps students improve more on just paper and pencil assignments.It keeps students connected to the world.I like the video because its a sense teaching everyone including the teacher.The video shows that you as a teacher do not have to know it all you to can learn form your students.When learning from your students that also builds a connection with you as their teacher.The digital project makes the classroom hours go by smoothly because each one is interested.
Digital Smarts is a learning and experience that you as a student can share with others. The video shows how to get links from others that can be use in the classroom to help others. Projects can be done together over the web, that is very helpful when being confused in moments.I really enjoyed this video.It leaves students update with new technology systems.It gives ways to study and leave a comfortable trace.Digital Smarts empower students to be thinkers and to be unique.Vicki Davis shows the world how to stay connected to software and better the students learning in a different way.
Blog 2 The Importance of Creativity.
Creativity is something we all have, but when academics is the main focus sometimes students lose a passion that they love.Sir Ken is right when saying that creativity is something that we do and can be used in many ways. Inventions are based on intelligence and creativity right? When having the ideas and making them original is the key factor.Education is the way to make creativity come alive and make students stay focus on dreams as well as academics.How are you to keep a students focus without being creative.Teachers are students believer when some lack the confidence within themselves.Students ideas can be a product to help others.When showing creative ways it solves issues that many students may have inside the classroom.Alternatives are the key and ways to learning.Children succeed more when using tools with techniques.Creativity is the way that I would take with teaching students and keeping them interested in the classroom.The students are more well rounded when they can express themselves.Education has to have a new vision as the generation grows.Students often lose or lack interest in the maths,english science,etc when its not made in a way that keeps the focused.Sir Ken kept my attention with the message because its so very true creativity gets some people far if they do not lose it. Education is the world greatest outlet to show originality if the dream is not broken.I always say keep the dreams alive and be the person that you are set out to be.Creativity will continue to show in many classrooms with the help of the vision Sir Ken delivered to the world.
Reguarding "Mr. Winkle Wakes", I agree that it may be hard to keep the pace for new technology, but either way, new technology needs to be in the classroom. I also learned many things as well watching "Did You Know?". It definately makes you realize what is to come in our future. A lot of the facts mentioned in the video I have never really thought about before until now. My favorite video was "Harness Your Students' Digital Thoughts" because that type of classroom environment was something I have never seen before. Reguarding "The Importance of Creativity," I definately agree that academics can get in the way of creativity, but I don't think it should. I think they should be of equal importance.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great statement you made ... It keeps students connected to the world ... that is something that is lacking in a lot of classes and something that EDM 310 has been diligent in trying to establish. There is a great big world out there that we can all learn from.