Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog Assignment #12

I think a good Blog Post Assignment would be  for students to list goals they want to reach before the end of the semester .Another Post that could go with this one is what motivates you to reach your goals and who inspires you when you fell like letting go.I think its good for students or viewers to see a little inside of the blogger feelings.

My answers would be as it follows: To Graduate from College,Enter the Education Field,Work hard for a stable foundation for my future family,and keep positive.

I motivate myself to keep going when life struggles seems to be over burrowing.I always remember to keep my head high and I know who sits High  above this world. All the things I ask and pray for will be added upon my life with faith in my heart.Thats motivation to me.My mother and family are my support systems and they inspire me when I feel like giving in.I think motivation is the pusher for goals.So keep pushing and keep striving for your destiny.


  1. I could not agree more! I think goals are very important to not only educators, but also individuals. I pray a lot and my mother helps me through life's struggles also. I am a very big believer in short term and long term goals. Love the picture!

  2. Catina,
    I also agree that setting goals are important. It is important for students to be motivated about something in life. Short term goals could easily turn into long-term goals with motivation from others. Students need to know that it is okay to set many goals and achieve them at different times. I think your assignment is useful.

    LaChandra Lett

  3. Hey Catina,

    I think this is a great idea! I don't know that many of the students would know their goals at the beginning of the year though. I think this could be a great idea and I really think that most students would enjoy this post.

    Stephen Akins
